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Mobil Telefonieren in Spanien

Update 2018/19 Mobil Telefonieren
Wir nehmen jetzt DigiMobil. Das ist Klasse. Es kostet 5 Euro für 1 GB, 100 min oder SMS in Spanien, gratis zwischen digimobil. Und man kann es auch bei Reisen in die europäische Union benutzen, hat dann aber weniger MBs. In Spanien tadellose 4G Verbindungen.
Bei uns funktioniert alles recht problemlos!
Die SIM Karten und Nachladungen bekommen Sie u.a. bei einem kleinen Laden zwischen Alcampo und der Konditorei Rincon (Richtung Kino) im La Villa, der Mall in La Orotava an der Autobahn. Der Laden heisst Roshika.
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Artikel von Oktober 2012
Man könnte den Eindruck haben, telefonieren in Spanien ist fast kostenlos, da die Einheimischen permanent an der Strippe sind. Gut, die Strippe gibt es kaum noch, man ist am „movil“. Das Gegenteil ist aber der Fall. Telefonieren ist in Spanien ziemlich teuer!

Die hiesigen Telefongesellschaften haben sich etwas feines ausgedacht: Die Verbindungsgebühr. Technisch ist das mit nichts zu begründen. In der Regel bezahlen Sie 16 cts für eine Verbindung. Tarife sind sehr unterschiedlich. Für Prepaid zahlen Sie auch monatliche Gebühren. Mir gefiel auch der Yoigo Tarif am besten, wie unten beschrieben. Internet ist merkwürdig. Wenn man das Telefon neustartet, geht es meist gut.

Wir haben eine ähnliche Erfahrung gemacht, wie der englischsprachige Kollege:

We have telephone now

If you think, while you read the headline, wow, what an idiot – that is nothing, even my maid has a SIM, you don’t know Spain.
I choosed YOIGO (Internet 1 GB per month, 2 cts national calls plus 16 cts connection fee per call, 9 Euro/month, can be cancelled within one month, SIM only).

So I checked in the internet, what time they are open and was delighted to find out, they are open even Sunday.
So we went all the way to the shop. It was closed. The sign inside said, Sundays closed. Nice start.

So we tried the next day. It was open. And nobody else than staff was there!
The lady with very big boobies and very little clothes at this part of her body was very friendly, but only Spanish speaking with strong Canarian accent. Mah oo meno.
If we want to take a subscription contract, we’d need a local bank account.

Okay, so we went to Caja Canarias – which is bankrupted. Now it is called La Caixa. And I got a bank account right away. Brilliant. (was it, because their director is German and speaks proper English?).
We went again to the ti… monster. Now we hardly find her because so many clients were there.
After half an hour, it was our turn. She was happy to see us again. Or was the air condition too cold? Sorry.
She even accepted our new bank. But where is our residencia? (Residence)
Without residencia we can get nothing.

My spanish is limited. Real bad. I went to the internet and ordered by internet for my wife and me the same contract. I filled everything out what I understood. Only one field I couldn’t find what has to be. It was something like CODE. But what code? I put a code. It was not working. I left it free and I could continue.

Even we can not call each other for free. In fact, we can by internet.
I also choosed good numbers. At least I think so.
And could you imagine? Today, the third day after my order, we received two envelopes with a SIM.  And now the best: I tested it. I could made a phone call. Internet was working! Both SIMs are working. Internet is very slow.

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